FSE-9642 CANCELLED: How NOT to get lost in the current JS landscape. | Devoxx

CANCELLED: How NOT to get lost in the current JS landscape.


web Web & HTML5

Npm, bower, Angular, jQuery, grunt, gulp, browserify, requirejs, ember, backbone, requirejs, amd .... thousands of micro frameworks, libraries and tools.

The question is how do you avoid getting lost within the jungle of modern JS frameworks, libraries and tools? How to be effective and actually deliver while every day there is a new cool framework or tool coming out and one of the developers in your team would love to try it. In production.

In this talk I will explain the right strategy for dealing with the rapid changes in JS landscape and choosing the right set of tools for doing the job.

Key takeaways:

  • Get to know which js tools/libraries works well together.
  • Which tools/libraries are not cool anymore and why?
  • How to deal with library/tool dependency conflicts?
  • How to find good quality tools and frameworks?
Radoslaw Scheibinger Radoslaw Scheibinger

Radoslaw Scheibinger is a Software Engineer at eBay specialized in frontend development. His areas of expertise are highly interactive single page applications, responsive web design, mobile optimised websites and web performance. At eBay he works on customer facing applications being part of eBay global buyer experience.