Tomasz Szymański | Devoxx

Tomasz Szymański
Tomasz Szymański Twitter

From SoftwareMill

I have been working on almost all steps of the Software Engineer career ladder. Starting from intern at JBoss, a division of RedHat, ranging to Application Architect in a big financial institution in South Africa.

In the meantime I have started a company which aims at creating a cool place to work at.

I believe in agile methodologies, good code and communities. For the last I have been leader of Warsaw JUG for many years, and recently I have started Warsaw Groovy User Group.


mobile Mobile

Enough with coding backends - develop something you can touch


In this talk I would like to focus a bit on the RaspberryPI (or similar) computer. My aim is to show how someone with close-to-zero knowledge of electrical engineering can start hooking up wires and creating useful things to be used as, for example, home appliances.

During the presentation you will see how I have creating something from ground up.

If you are tried of listening into Yet Another Buzzword Presentation, this slot is for you ;-). You can expect also a good number of very poor jokes.

archisec Architecture & Security

Microservices - enough with theory, let's code some


We have been on many talks about the (not so) new software design approach which is - "Microservices".

Having organized few Microservice Hackathons (both public and internal) and developing applications for the last 7 months using that approach, we would like to show you what are the BUTs of the idea. Rarely can you hear about the chalenges and issues related to this architectural approach and we’ll tell nothing but the truth about it. Also we’ll show how you can quickly start creating your own apps using the tools we have created at 4finance / SoftwareMill.

Just a glimpse of what will you see in action: zookeeper for service discovery; Kibana / Graphana for monitoring; client code in Java, Scala and Groovy; Ansible for provisioning. And the best part is that everything is opensourced and ready to use.

Expect nothing but live coding and may the Demo Gods have mercy on us ;-)

web Web & HTML5

Supler: complex web forms, not so complex


Let’s face it. Creating websites with complex forms is a pain, and usually ends in lots of code duplication and frustration.

That’s why we have decided to create Supler. Supler has a very focused set of functionality:

  • a Scala DSL for defining forms, generating JSON form description, applying values to backing objects and running actions & validations on the backend
  • a Javascript HTML form renderer, client-side validations, form templating and automatic reloading

As important as Supler features, are its non-features: no defined web or Javascript framework, no defined ORM layer, no defined backing object lifecycle etc. We aim to shape Supler as a library, not a framework, so that you can use it with a variety of software stacks.

Come and see some live-coding showing various Supler features, and explaining the Supler approach!