ASE-8737 Agile Project Management Anti-Patterns | Devoxx

Agile Project Management Anti-Patterns

BOF (Bird of a Feather)

methodevops Methodology & DevOps

Room 4A - Metrosoft

Tuesday at 18:00 - 19:00

Agile is mainstream method used in IT project management. Yes, method and no longer a philosophy. Everyone want to ‘do’ agile, so want to ‘be’ agile as well :) What are the common mistakes in applying agile? Join my talk & find out!

Agenda: 1. Bitter truth about IT projects 2. Complex projects nightmare 3. Are we agile? 4. Deadly sins 5. Ok, what next? We know what is wrong, how fix it?

Kasia Mrowca Kasia Mrowca

Product magician, IT passionate, agile & lean enthusiast, PhD candidate. 3+ years experience in product development (requirements elicitation and expectations management etc) 4+ years experience in project management (non-profit organizations)

Industries: entertainment (broadcasting TV and TV production), travel (airlines), retail (luxury products).