CGP-4341 The Go Language | Devoxx

The Go Language


future Future<Devoxx>

Room 4A - Metrosoft

Tuesday at 10:30 - 11:30

The Go Language ( has been getting increasingly popular recently. Come get a summary of what makes Go different and exciting, and why you might care. Brad, who has worked on the Go team for 5 years, will also cover some Go history and where the project is going next.

Brad Fitzpatrick Brad Fitzpatrick

Brad Fitzpatrick works on the Go programming language at Google. Brad is previously known for memcached, OpenID, LiveJournal, and his work on load balancers (Perlbal, Gearman) and storage (MogileFS, Camlistore). Once a polyglot, Brad switched to Go almost exclusively about 5 years ago.