DYG-4008 From Docker To Kubernetes: A Developer's Guide To Containers | Devoxx

From Docker To Kubernetes: A Developer's Guide To Containers


cloud Cloud & BigData

Room 4A - Metrosoft

Wednesday at 09:00 - 10:00

Everyone is talking about Containers, but mostly in the context of how they work and not why and when they are useful or how to apply them to your own often complex and unique Use Cases. We'll start by looking at how Docker works by manually creating a simple guestbook application using Docker Containers running Redis and PHP. We'll then use the same application to show how you can use Kubernetes and Google Container Engine to create a cluster of nodes, declare to that cluster what you expect it to do, and then have the cluster assign resources as needed, run your work, recover from failures.

Marek Grabowski Marek Grabowski

Marek is a Software Engineer in Google working on Kubernetes project, where he focuses mainly on agent software and machine controller.

Marek hold MSc in both Computer Science and Mathematics from University of Warsaw.