Tuesday | Devoxx

Tuesday, 23rd June

Room Exhibition floor Room 1 - 4FinanceIT Room 2 - Schibsted Room 3 - NoFluffJobs Room 4A - Metrosoft Room 4B - Payara Room 5 - BestWestern
08:00 - 09:00 Registration and Breakfast
09:00 - 10:00 Conference archisec Architecture & Security Building systems that are #neverdone Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Groovier BDD with Spock Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Why software developers should care about deployment and monitoring Conference archisec Architecture & Security Microservices and Conversion Hunting - How to build software architectures for changeableness Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Case Study: Agile @gov.pl Conference ssj Server Side Java Everybody lies
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee
10:30 - 11:30 Conference ssj Server Side Java Modern Java Component Design with Spring 4.2 Conference cloud Cloud & BigData 10 NoSQL databases you have to know Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Ścisły przewodnik po aspektach miękkich - część II: Jesteś ekspertem i co dalej? Conference future Future<Devoxx> The Go Language Conference mobile Mobile OAuth2 for native apps and beyond Conference ssj Server Side Java Hystrix – managing failures in distributed systems
11:30 - 11:50 Coffee
11:50 - 12:50 Conference cloud Cloud & BigData Scalable Is Awesome, Literally! Conference java Java SE Unlocking the magic of monads in Java 8 Conference future Future<Devoxx> Need for Async: In hot pursuit of internet-scale app architectures Conference cloud Cloud & BigData Make sense of your (BIG) data! Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Failing Continuous Delivery Conference archisec Architecture & Security Wykorzystanie podejścia Domain-Driven Design w systemach legacy
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:00 - 13:15 Quickie java Java SE Forgive me, for I have allocated Quickie methodevops Methodology & DevOps What Can We Really Learn from Martial Arts? Quickie ssj Server Side Java How to Participate in the Future of Java Quickie ssj Server Side Java The Spring Framework Roadmap Quickie web Web & HTML5 Vaadin Designer Hands-on Quickie Quickie cloud Cloud & BigData Why you should version all your data in noSQL world; Think about data durability
13:50 - 14:50 Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Functional Data Storage Conference java Java SE Flavors of Concurrency in Java Conference archisec Architecture & Security Reviewing Architectures Conference archisec Architecture & Security Designing software with security in mind? Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Vagrant up your enviroment Conference java Java SE Building an Asynchronous Reactive NoSQL SDK with RxJava
14:50 - 15:10 Coffee
15:10 - 16:10 Conference methodevops Methodology & DevOps Lazy Evaluations Conference future Future<Devoxx> WebVR - democracy in Virtual Reality Conference archisec Architecture & Security Microservices - enough with theory, let's code some Conference cloud Cloud & BigData Apache Spark - when things go wrong Conference web Web & HTML5 HTTP/2 : why upgrading the web? Conference web Web & HTML5 Clean JavaScript code - only dream or reality
16:10 - 16:40 Coffee
16:40 - 17:40 Keynote methodevops Methodology & DevOps Get Past the Syntax, The Real Scare is in the Semantics
17:40 - 18:00 Coffee
18:00 - 19:00 Bird of a Feather archisec Architecture & Security Refactoring meets big money Bird of a Feather cloud Cloud & BigData Painfree Object-Document Mapping for MongoDB Bird of a Feather methodevops Methodology & DevOps Agile Project Management Anti-Patterns Bird of a Feather ssj Server Side Java The Spring BOF Bird of a Feather java Java SE JCP, Adopt-a-JSR & You
19:00 - 23:00 Party at Krakow Plaza (sponsored by Sabre) and Dinner with Speakers (sponsored by Metrosoft)
Room Exhibition floor Room 1 - 4FinanceIT Room 2 - Schibsted Room 3 - NoFluffJobs Room 4A - Metrosoft Room 4B - Payara Room 5 - BestWestern